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A pastor can always preach a very good and well-crafted sermon. A distinguished theologian can always offer a good argument about a biblical principle. The institutional church can always offer a seminar, program or activity to busy its members or congregation. These are all good. But in time, they will soon be forgotten.

A son will always long for the presence of his father. No matter how plenty or expensive the toys the father brings from the store; no matter how big the bacon he takes home — nothing can compare to the presence of the father — his touch, his voice, his embrace, his smile, his attention. That is what every child longs for. And that is what every believer longs for.

We must always long for an encounter with Jesus. I have nothing to offer — except Jesus. And this is what I always do when someone approaches me for prayer, especially those in need of healing. Today (Thursday), I prayed for two people, again over Facebook, and both were instantly healed. 

The first lady named Marj, told me how excited she was while reading the story/blog about Caren (last Monday’s healing episode) and how she longs to read a lot of those. And while she was reading it she desired that she too will be touched by the Lord to be healed. I told her that she can really receive the same healing power and be touched by the Lord as she reads it again. In fact, I shared a testimony to her about a woman (who happens to be her friend who is based in Dubai) who read the same story about Caren. This woman based in UAE declared the same prayers I released, claimed the same healing as Caren’s, worshipped Jesus for a moment and encountered heaven right there and then. She was touched by the Lord and she was instantly healed! I encouraged Marj that the same thing can happen to her because Jesus still heals and does not disappoint. And then I began to release healing upon her body. I declared words of freedom and restoration and that the fresh breath from the Holy Spirit will touch her in Jesus’ Name.

And then I asked her how she felt. She told me that she felt the presence of the Lord (the same hot/warm sensation she felt, according to her, when she attended the Miracle Night in my previous church assignment). She felt the touch of the Holy Spirit from her head to her shoulders. I probed deeper if there was in fact any pain that was removed by God. She told me that before we prayed she was experiencing headache, back and chest pains. She can now breathe freely and easily. No more pain. No more heaviness! Yay God! Jesus did it again.

The second person I prayed for over FB happens to have a request for her mom. She asked if we can pray for her mom who is based in Saudi Arabia. I agreed. But before we did that I asked if she is also in need of prayer. She told me that she’s been experiencing pains in her knees — she can’t walk normally and for her, at her young age, going up the stairs is a difficult task. Aside from this, her throat is aching and she really can’t swallow normally as well. I told her that Jesus can heal her and that our God is always good and gracious.

We prayed. I rebuked the pain in her throat. I rebuked the pain in her knees. I also declared healing and restoration upon her body in Jesus’ Name. I asked her if she felt anything. She said she felt a cool sensation. I told her it is the Holy Spirit touching her and ministering to her. I asked her to check out the pain in her throat if it’s still there. A breakthrough happened! The pain has lessened. Yay God! We prayed some more. I asked the Lord to touch her some more. Then I asked her to check it out again. No more pain in the throat! She can now swallow easily, pain free! Then we prayed for her knees again. I asked the Lord to touch her some more and release His glory upon the knees. Then I asked her to check it out. She was surprised. She can now kneel down. She could not believe the improvement! Before it was utterly painful for her to kneel, but now she can already kneel! She was amazed! Hallelujah! Jesus did it again! She even said ‘parang nagdahilan lang yung lalamunan at tuhod ko!

After this, she asked me to pray for her hypertension and blood sugar to normalise. We prayed some more and rebuked the condition and cancelled the infirmity. I spoke against the spirit of diabetes to leave in Jesus’ Name, commanded wholeness and wellness to flow upon her. Suddenly, she felt a hot/warm sensation all over her body. I told her it is the Holy Spirit touching her and restoring her. At this time she is perspiring even if the electric fan is turned on. I told her to remember this time when the Lord touched her and made her whole. We are expecting favourable results from her scheduled check-up this coming Saturday and I told her to inform me of the good news.

You see, I have not much to offer. I can always offer words that can make them feel good. Or offer words from the Bible that can strengthen their resolve to hold on to the truth about God’s promises. These are all good. But lately, I have been bold in really asking Jesus to manifest Himself; to show Himself to His people; to touch them where they are hurting and to heal them in a tangible and powerful way. I cannot offer anything except Him who came two thousand years ago and who still comes to meet us right where we are because He is good and is always full of grace — ready to be released to all who will believe.

We all need an encounter. We all need Jesus. We all need a fresh wind from the Holy Spirit. We all need the loving touch of Abba. And when this happens, it will be unforgettable and our lives will never be the same again.



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